The CCSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional) by (ISC)² is one of the most popular cloud security certifications in the world. Our 5-day course prepares individuals to pass the CCSP exam on your first try.
Our course will prepare you to pass the exam right after the course with our advance test taking techniques. Students will get our customized exam cram guide and the official CCSP study guide. Our 1,000 question will ensure students are ready to pass the exam on the first try.
Don't spend thousands more on less quality training at non-accredited schools, education should help our careers not break the bank!
Based on a monthly survey of our enrolled students, who were able to pass after attending our course.
This course and exam meets the DoD Directive 8570.1-M. in compliance with the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA).
You can retake the course as many times as needed completely free.
Reduced pricing & customized training available for companies and government agencies.
If you cannot pass the CCSP exam after 2 retakes we will refund the full course tuition. Must take the exams within 6 months from your first class completion
We will pay for your second attempt at the CCSP exam if you cannot pass on your first try ($599 Value) after our class. Exam must be taken within 60 days of the course end date.
If your group is unable to attend a class with us due to traveling or scheduling issues, we can come to you. We can conduct this course at your location based on your schedule. We also offer great discounts if you purchase multiple seats for our classes.
Others | ||
Small class size. | (classes with 18+ students) | |
5 Days of Training | ||
Instructor with real world Experience | (Instructors with no real world Experience) | |
Lowest price guaranteed | (Most schools are above $2,000) | |
Money Back Guarantee. If you are not happy with the course after the first class | (If you are not happy with the course, you will not get are a full refund) | |
Live instructor led training | ||
Licensed School | (Unlicensed, unauthorized training) | |
Documented 97% passing rate | (Most claim to have a high passing rate but can't prove it) | |
Online or Classroom, live instructor training. | (Just classroom or online classes) | |
Allows you to speak to the instructor before you start the class. | (You never meet the instructor until the class starts) | |
Unlimited free retakes of the course for up to one year. | (No retakes allowed) | |
Instructor will endorse your application if needed | (No endorsement) | |
Updated course material to match the current exam topics | (Training material not updated to the latest exam content) |
Yes, our course is design to help students pass their exams on the first try. We have help thousands of students pass on their first try.
Our tuition is much lower than other training providers because we have optimized our business processes to ensure quality training at a reasonable price. As a smaller school with lower overhead we are able to provide a great class and better value to our students.
We only hire the best instructors. Our instructors for CCSP must have a minimum of 15 years of experience in training and security administration.
We hold no classes with more than 12 students.
Choosing a training provider can be tough choice. We all claim to offer the best value, in terms of price, passing rate, and guarantee. The Technical Institute of America offers the lowest price, one of the best passing rates, and an excellent guarantee. As a New York State licensed school and Better Business Bureau Accredited business we can honestly say what we offer is the truth and you can verify it. It’s the reason why we offer a money back guarantee.
Architectural Concepts
Design Requirements
Data Classification
Cloud Data Security
Security in the Cloud
Responsibilities in the Cloud
Cloud Application Security
Operations Elements
Operations Management
Legal and Compliance
"Great class. Passed the CCSP exam on the first try. The materials were great as well as the instructor."
""I was able to pass the CCSP right after the class. Andrew is a master of this exam. Sign up if you want to pass the CCSP exam.""